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Squeezing an edloaf

While taking a dump, having to clinch up your butt, breaking or “squeezing” your doodie log off, in order to end your poop before you are actually finished. (Usually resulting in excessive wiping and dingleberries.)

I’m squeezing an edloaf, if I’m going to catch the bus. No leisurely pooping for this cowboy today!

by Cap’n Cuntch February 23, 2020

Squeeze ass month

November is squeeze ass month, girls can grab boys dicks and we squeeze their ass, to pass onto next month you must squeeze a girls ass atleast 3 times, good luck!

Person 1: OMG look at her ass!
Person 2: just squeeze it, it’s squeeze ass month anyway

by Horniboy November 3, 2020

Squeeze the cat

Getting your dick squeezed by a woman's kegels

Man, Tim's mom totally showed me how she squeeze the cat last night!

by Doritozkill January 12, 2024

Cheese Squeeze

When you take multiple cheeses, squeeze it into a ball, lube it up with cheese whizz, and swallow it whole.

Yo Alex and Sarah, you should do a cheese squeeze at your fancy-ass wine and cheese party.

by JugChugger December 14, 2019

San Franciscan Squeeze

A sex move where two men place a turd equal distance in their anuses and both push it using only their anal muscles. The first person to completely expel the turd from their rectum wins.

Dude, Paul destroyed me last night in a good game of San Franciscan Squeeze.

by TroubledCourier March 1, 2021

Squeeze Mah Cheese

Masterbaiting really fast in a short amount of time.

I always Squeeze Mah Cheese in the bathroom, 4 minutes before English class starts.

by DeepFreeze June 21, 2010

Squeezed like a lemon

Really tired, drained!

Massimo is always squeezed like a lemon from working out his muscles so much!

by Massimo’s language December 19, 2023