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caca store

A retail store that sells low-quality merchandise.

I wouldn't buy anything at that caca store because anything you buy in there will break in a day or two.

by DuWayne November 7, 2019

stores admin

A fragile, oxygen thieving, non-threatening fairy cornball with a greasy fringe that reeks of Autism, licks radiators to see if they’re on then smears a Mars bar all over it just so he can eat it off and walks like there’s no gravity, stuttering his way through life, fucking up absolutely everything. Spends all of his time under his scouse girlfriends thumb and has an ass that’s been rogered off her more times than a coppers walkie-talkie.

Person 1: Morning, Brandon.
Person 2: I erm, I mean, erm, well, the thing is, I D-D-D-D-D-D… I’m Brandon, Stores Admin. What’s your favourite colour?
Person 1: Okay, Brandon.

by Narreik September 28, 2023

grocery store phone

the phone your mom gets at the grocery store. probably runs on android.

"Yeah, my mom got me one of those grocery store phones for Christmas."

by AugustineIsHere December 9, 2021


Mediocre, underwhelming, bland, unoriginal or unimpressive.

"These cookies are so store-bought."
"I actually baked them myself."
"Well then, you baked a batch of store-bought cookies."

by guyish_dude June 30, 2024

store brand

less popular discount version of a product

Goro is such a store brand machamp

by truest_fax August 4, 2021

Store brand

The superior brand choice for the enlightened masses. These enlightened individuals realize that name brands and store brands are literally one and the same. The only difference is that you're paying more for the label on the can, and only suckers and conformists fall for that. Organic brands, however, trump both store and name brands. Mainly self-actualized people buy organic brands.

In summary:
organic/healthy brands > store brands > name brands

Some dude: *buys name-brand chips*
Me, an enlightened cashier: Hey, you know you can save $2 by buying the store brand alternative, right?

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian October 29, 2022

Pod store

Any chain store like a Dollar general Walmart etc. This is a reference to pod people. (invasion of the body snatchers)

I can't believe they're building another CVS. What a pod store.stupid chains are ruining the independents.

by Miggy5126 November 28, 2018