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afro grease

The grease applied, usually liberally, and usually to nappy hair. can also be used for people with non-nappy hair that wish to look greasy and cheap (see hooker).

KFC is venturing into the afro grease industry, using old grease and selling it for a buck fitty for a half pound.

by Lennox Duncan January 5, 2006

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snail grease

When your done fucking a girl in the ass and you pull out. Poop oozes out resembling the trail of grease a snail makes

After I got done fucking Tina in the ass you should have seen the snail grease she left on my bed.

Did you see Mary's underware, I know she takes it in the ass. I mean look at that snail grease trail?

by Tom and Brian November 24, 2007

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Grease Monkey

1. Someone who has bits of food, grease, etc. in their facial hair or normal hair.

2. Someone who loves working on cars.

George: Man, John never puts a hairnet on when using the deep fat frier. What a grease monkey.

Josh: All that that grease monkey Joel does all day is work on cars.

by The Anonymous Corporation April 29, 2010

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grease wheel

pizza, or a round of dough ferda.

man that grease wheel is ferda, Thanks Brandon.

by jack-n-tosh May 29, 2017

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Pappa Grease

A person who refuses to bathe and their hair is so greasy it feels like glue.

Person 1,
"Hey Jeremy do you notice that Nathan never bathes?"
Person 2,
"Yeah, we call him Pappa Grease"

by o Mr Slave o May 20, 2009

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To grease or get greased again

(Huge Hit in NHL 14 by Dip)

Dip: "You got Greased"

(Another Huge Hit in NHL 14 by Dip)

Dip: "re-grease!!!!!!!"

by doubledmaster December 6, 2013

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Grease Drying

When you are unable to wipe after a hefty shit so you just leave it there to dry - the ass version of 'drip drying'.

Dude, i was on a road trip and totally had to unload so i went by the roadside but had no bog-roll so i had to do some grease drying!

by Silverlynx April 23, 2019

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