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Snow Cow

fat, ugly bitches from schools like NMU or UW Madison.

I went up north this weekend and i got stuck in traffic on 41 for 3 hours because a herd of snow cows was migrating west because the kegs all went dry in the east and beer googles started falling off.

by p dickle October 12, 2005

59πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

mad cow

1. Angry cow. (Possibly see your mom).

2. BSE; Rots the brains of cows and jerks who eat cow brains. (Possibly see Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Or was that monkey brains? Whatever, it's feking weird anyway).

3. Giant lesbian who thinks she's hot. When you yank on her quadruple D breasts, she does not notice it because they're dragging on the floor already. But for some reason, skinny hot lesbians find her attractive, but she is mad because men still exist, and her vagina cannot be found by said skinny hot lesbian. If you are a man, she will not appreciate you existing.

Your mom might be mad cow type one, but she can't be mad cow type two unless your dad had sex with a straight woman who carried you to term. Unless you are a girl, then your mom may be touching you when you're asleep, on the boobies, perhaps.

by scorpionmintred December 30, 2004

84πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž

Cow Rapist

Any person who drinks milk.

Brock: Yo dude, do you drink milk?

Nader: Yeah bro, love it!

Brock: Dude! You’re a fuckin' Cow Rapist! I bet you drink it straight up from the cow’s tit!

by Smacker101 March 4, 2008

27πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

cow eyes

an alternative to puppy dog eyes or big sad eyes

lily : damn girl how did you get past your dad in that skirt !?!?

amber : hehe i just said daddy pleaseeeeee and threw him the cow eyes

lily : haha works every time!

by baby_jane September 26, 2006

81πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž

sacred cow

1. Name given to a person who is politically or ethically beyond reproach or immune to adverse consequences.

"I can't believe Mathilde, she sits there all day surfing the web and doesn't get into trouble with the boss...I check my e-mail and instantaneously I am in trouble. She is totally the sacred cow in this office"

by Blaze It Up! April 4, 2008

34πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Laughing Cow

Sexual position: when a man has intercourse with the breasts of a woman, whilst tickling her in the right spot in order to make her lactate.

"So what did you two do last night?"
"I made her do the Laughing Cow"
"Oh shit man, you didn't!"

by RevScat September 8, 2007

15πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


An underachieving person, who by lack of intelligence or lack of motivation, simply believes anything a person says to be true, just because the person says it is true.

Jan is such a z-cow. She actually believed that Paris Hilton was running for president, because John said he saw it on MSNBC.

by Parkalot January 22, 2008

19πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž