A person in which joins a zoom meeting and intentionally acts out to get attention,usually a student having a boring time in class (which I don't blame,I mean your in the house with a virtual class so it would be nice to have some humor)
Teacher from Zoom meeting:Who is Mike Oxlong?
Mike Oxlong:Me you stupid birch
Teacher:Okay,I know you're not in my class so leave now
Me who is muted and laughing really hard:Zoom trolling is fun
1) A non-life threatening ailment, similar to a cold, that infects your body. It does not hurt you enough to make you miserable, but just enough to piss you off. Little trollfaces swim through your veins and inject RAEG into your cells. They then explode to create more troll faces in bursts of "LOL U MAD?". It is easy to get rid of, but impossible to ignore.
2) When a swarm of trolls target a specific forum board or chat room and bombard it with messages.
3) A virtual ailment that affects the user by making them have the constant urge to troll people. Whether it be trolling stupid people or even other trolls, everyone could be your target. This disease is impossible to get rid of, but there are many so-called "remedies". It is believed to have first spread in 4chan, but its real origins are unknown.
I got the Troll Virus, dude. I needed to yell at someone.
Recent years have seen a huge rise in the number of trolls frequenting internet forums. If the current rate of increase continues it is projected that by 2020 up to 50% of information on the internet will be the direct result of trolling. By 2030 this number will be over 100%. Many believe that this phenomenon will have catastrophic results, not only because people will no longer have any interesting sources to copy their opinions from but also because it will give rise to the fabled being known as The Mother Troll. The Mother Troll will be created when all the anger and annoyance caused by trolling on the world wide web reaches a level so intense that it conglomerates into a conscious being. This god of trolls with not rest until all interesting debate and knowledge has been destroyed and it has thoroughly pissed on everybody's parade.
Person 1: Well that's a very interesting point. Do you take into account the idea that those who are in such a position may feel differently though?
Person 2: I try to take into account everybody's ideas and feelings and yes I can see that others may feel differently from me and I respect that.
Person 1: Ah well whatever your nothing but a stupid fan boy anyway noob.
Person 2: fuk u disphit i banged your mum last night
Person 1: i have so mush satisfaction in the knowledge that a remtard like you will soon be shoved into a small padded cell where you belong
the ultimate troll refers to a level 10 troll that was brought to life by 'tripod'. the ultimate troll involves the male participant in talking to a girl for a set amount of time in which the female participant falls for the male and alllows them to smash. the male does not use any form of contraception and nuts inside of the female. the female becomes impregnated and once this occurs the male blocks and dips. this is in essence the ultimate troll that can ever occur.
yo i was playing rocket league and this bitch wants my platinum chamion cock. imma do the ultimate troll on her
An exchange between participants on an internet discussion board where there seems to be multiple levels of trolling; i.e., the victim might be trolling the troll, the troll might be aware he is being trolled and so trolls the victim's attempt at trolling, and so on. It is recursive in the sense that there is no limit to how many levels deep the trolling might be.
This thread is so absurd there must be recursive trolling going on.
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Someone who posts on a trolls post claiming they are a troll. Not realizing that they are trolling themselves.
Troll patroler 1 "Yo your a fucking troll dude"
Troll 1 "Fuck you dont troll my post you god damn troll patroller"
Also see Troll orgy
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When one takes a complex issue/idea and oversimplifies it to a point where they think they have a grasp of it. This oversimplified version is then used to make arguments to justify ones impressive knowledge to others about the subject usually leaving gaping holes that are obvious to anyone knowledgeable of the original complex issue/idea while occasionally "Wow"ing similarly logically challenged individuals.
These people are generally not complete idiots and can even have higher level degrees that they will use to back their arguments whenever possible. While some people have a natural inclination towards using troll logic, it can be learned by others who see those using it move ahead or have them as a mentor on the subject.
The name comes from the persons retarded ability to comprehend even the simplest logic, especially if it proves them wrong. They will go to great strides to come up with any work out to make their original statement right, no matter how many logical fallacies they create in the process.
Similar to Elementary School Logic and usually employed in cases like that. And on some occasions it can degrade to full blown Insane troll logic
Does not apply to people who have physical or mental handicaps.
Dude 1: Have you seen Twitter, isn't all this new Social Media stuff really impressive. You should hire me as a consultant to help you capitalize on it.
Dude 2: No thanks, and it's not really. The net has done...
Dude 1: But don't you see how impressive the impact is that it's having. It spreads messages quicker than any medium in history, and it reconnects marketplaces. Admit it, as unoriginal as it is, it's still impressive.
Dude 2: Only if you don't care to understand how...
Dude 1: Don't go telling a business grad that he doesn't care. Alexander Graham Bell is probably happy his idea was so expounded and would be impressed.
Dude 2: Yes, a guy who died 80+ years ago would probably be impressed by it.
Dude 1: Well then we are on the same page and agree that it is impressive.
Dude 2: Wow you really busted out some serious troll logic to get to that conclusion.
Dude 1: Thanks. When would you like me to start?
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