A Canadian cartoon made in Adobe Flash about a teenage otaku named Birsch Small, who tries to fit in with her pears in high school. It's notable for using various manga iconography, like those weird x-shaped popping vein things, in facial expressions. It's also notable for at one point being lost media, until some dude ripped and uploaded all of the episodes from a DVD.
My little sister is really into this show called My Life Me, and finishing watching all the episodes.
Someone who hustles hard all around town.
I’m gonna be living that pedicab life with my new Food Truck business.
The definition for me is Lauren Ashley Williams she is someone I love with all of my heart. And someone I wanna be with forever. People say cherish love and for her I always will. She is my world and always will be. No one can change that but me or her. I love her with everything and I want her to be mine forever
The love of life has to be Lauren wtf
Commonly known as the breadstick.
Hey Izzy “u got that stick of life?” Yuh you betcha I got it chica.
The life and times of a geograpical gang leader.
"Fud life" The story of Dougal rise throught the ranks to lead the CYT.
this is explanation of word sussy life
sussy life is when person is living his life with very sus personality and he is wanting to share it with everbody
bro1 hey bro i would lick your D
bro2 you gay
bro1 nah i just like when i see people naked no homo
bro2 seems like you have some mental disorder
bro1 nah i lick amogus deez nuts everday <starts screaming amongus>
sussy life is like nuts but really sussy