Source Code

drag party casual

An informal dress code for an a gay affair after 5pm. Derived from the brilliance of Mother RuPaul that brilliantly said, “You’re born naked and the rest is drag.” Wear what makes you feel mother-tucking beautiful. Opulence!

“What that means is that we are all more than just what it says we are on our driver's license. Or, what it says we are in our job description. We are actually, in reality, an extension of the power that created the whole universe.” - Mama Ru

I am wearing a bedazzled jumpsuit with glow-in-the-dark boots because I heard the party was drag party casual and that’s what makes me feel bada$$!!!

by iamtheJackie March 7, 2022

Pharm Party

A pharmaceutical party
A party including bring pills to put into a bowl that teens will draw from
A party for kids to pop pills

Bro, I'm going to a pharm party. You should come.
I'm not interested in bringing or popping pills.

by kgirlprettyface = kdrippyahk December 26, 2019

Hungarian Soup Party

A gathering of lesbians for the purpose of sex

Are you going to the Hungarian Soup Party tonight? I can’t wait to lap that up.

by Lifelibertycomedy September 5, 2023

The Pretzels of the Party Mix

A boring person in a group of friends. Kinda needed in some respects, but never the center of attention. Conclusion: don't be this person.

God damn you, Joey, you're the pretzels of the party mix.

by SammySlimJim March 15, 2017

Party Ghoul

Party Poison and Fun Ghoul

Kobra: Hey, where is Party Ghoul?

Jet: Who is that?

Kobra: It Party’s and Ghoul’s ship name.

by killjoys_never_die May 2, 2021

party ghoul

Party Poison and Fun Ghoul

Party Ghoul is like Frerard but they are Killjoys

by killjoys_never_die May 2, 2021

Extensive Party

Thulo Party
Origin. Binu invention

La we need extensive party. sunya ho ni @Subedi Naresh.

by Notshirish March 1, 2022