When your boss/manager asks you to make time on the weekend to get a head start on work
"Let's find some magic time to make to finish up this project early"
A hidden advantage for West Coast teams over teams from the East, especially on a weekday in basketball, since games are often played later in the day than in football. A team from the West Coast can't lose either way on time. If their game is home, they start around 10 at night, and end after midnight, at a time most of an East Coast audience is asleep on a weeknight. If their game is away, it's like playing at 4 in the afternoon on their time which is also still a regular time for a basketball game. No matter what, the other team is always on their time, which helps them out tremendously.
Pacific time wins games, it's not something a team from the West Coast has to fight against, it works for them and not against.
An advantage for West Coast teams in basketball over East Coast teams, since basketball games are usually played later in the day than football games. It is especially an advantage on weeknights and the night before a work week begins (Sunday night). Playing a home game is at a regular time for a West Coast team, while it's running from 10 to after midnight for a team from the East, a time when most of the audience is asleep or has their back turned to a TV.
Pacific time wins games. It's not something a team from the West Coast has to fight against, it helps them out. It works for them, not against. The other teams from every other time zone are always on their time no matter what.
A time Which is defined by Tazz and which minutes are Hours
Ill be back in 10 min Tazz times
A period in da clink dat you hafta serve for abusing a substance of some kind. In America it refers to illegal drugs, but in da U.K. it could mean simply dat you tossed back too many tall frothies (i.e., pints of "ale") at da local pub.
Andy Capp occasionally has to do jale time for staggering about on his way home after having had Jackie re-fill his tankard too often.
When you have reached a point
in your life, after loving and suffering
enough, that you are truly ok going with going with the flow.
It’s not that I don’t care buddy, but I’m on gravy time now and thinking about things a a whole lot differently.