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Do A Snooze

When you take a large amount of heroin and overdose.

Wanna go do a snooze and overdose in the bathrooms?

by SnoozeMan October 18, 2019

why do the moths come out

Why do the moths come out? Because George Clooney ate a banana horizontally. Mmm needs more. *laughs* mr capilli. I just got bit by a midgie *pommy accent* i just got back from a town in NSW

Me: Hey why do the moths come out??
Random person: well...

by THEREALMCMUFFIN November 13, 2022

why do you praise Putin

What you say to someone when they are acting like a total dunce online, so you say this just to get the best out of them.

Person 1: You're the type of person who would wear 2 circles on their chest in ROBLOX and say that this game is 13+
Person 2: why do you praise Putin + ratio + cope

by Mr. Brony June 3, 2022

why do you praise Putin

What you say to a toxic person online when they act like they praise Putin, the cause of the chaos in Ukraine.

Person 1: You're the type of person who would shit from their mouth and pee from their asshole
Person 2: why do you praise Putin + ratio + didn't ask

by Mr. Brony June 3, 2022

doing a Kery

The act of pretending to be an e-girl for lolz but you end up with a collection of dic pics and get exposed to actually be a dude.

Unnamed individual 1: "I surely hope Lucio is not doing a Kery on us"
Unnamed individual 2: "Damn, now that i think of it..."

by StefanK April 5, 2019

Doing Králová

When someone say to you they are Doing Králová, it means they sit/lay (depends on time) and watch tik tok. Nothing interesting.

Me: ,,Hey! What are you doing?
She: ,,Doing Králová, and you?
Me: ,,Nothing interesting...

by lektvar February 15, 2023

Doing a Frankie

Texting many girls just to see which one is silly enough to fall for you ‘charmes’.

He was só doing a Frankie.

by Frankie1987 November 2, 2022