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Urban Dictionary

The site you create stupid phrases on at 3am because no one loves you

"Yo dude I'm gonna create a new phrase on urban dictionary, oh wait I'm talking to myself no one loves me"

by double90 March 7, 2020

Urban Dictionary

That place where you post the names of your friends and when they look up their names they say "HAHA THAT'S SO TRUE OMG"

Hey look up your name on urban dictionary


urban dictionary

A website people use to find definitions of sex when they are horny

You...hey im vvv horny im gonna go on urban dictionary

by amazeballsssss May 23, 2015


A VERY honest dictionary about people you hate

Dude1: "yo your name's on urban dictionary

Dude2: "rly what does it say?"

Dude1: " you don't wanna know"

by Zeta, the real definition December 10, 2018

urban dictionary

A no-account ("nocount"), imaginary (online) place where anyone with 1/4 (a fourth, to numerologists) of a brain, a keypad and Internet connection can seek social approval (glory or fame), while attempting to provide accurate meanings for newly coined or preexisting words and phrases--usually slang and colloquial terms.

These posts are usually laced with "attitude"--a typically urban street-strutting, in-your-face, fuck-you-if-I-care way of writing, talking and shouting (IF POSTED IN ALL CAPS).

Users who post definitions may achieve a good laugh or widespread understanding of the term defined.

A pathetic few achieve mere mockery--or full-on, pee-soaked, mind-fucked embarrassment due to lack of intelligence, drunken/drugged posting or being beat on by drunk, high or FUBAR people while posting.

The worst results come from vague definitions, meandering prose posing as erudition, atrocious spelling (a troll! shush spelan), and Palinesque examples that fit like a trout wearing Spanx.

Dude 1: Whuut? I yoou dndt spal thet kerrectleee? Duuude, i aws wayyyy hi men!

Dude 2: Posed it ta erbin dikstinary. Iy was drunky to.

Dude 1: Hay whaddas SUCK rilly mean like rily i nvr got nun on my dkc.

Dude 2: Gitta dam hadn offmy nek U LLLOOOOOSER hay Put er ggogllookorp on ubann DIcktmnaary o coputer now man.

Dude 1: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ppppppppfffart

Palin: Looky, Ma! I got a teevee show about some fish and bears! It pays 12 million dollars. Gee shucks, I got a Twitter and I'm gonna post a folksy new word to the Urban Dictionary now!

"Bearicious" - it means a delicious, vicious bear I just killed with my gun and Todd ran over with his snowmobile ta make sure it's killed dead! Let's eat, kids!

by Tee$ March 30, 2011

urban dictionary

MAN WHAT A WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


by SKULLY_70 November 5, 2019

Urban Dictionary

A pretty funny website that gives slang definitions of words, useful for finding out what words mean in real English.

I wonder what picture means....
*googles picture*
Formal dictionary: An impression of something formed from an account or description.
You: What the fuck is that supposed to mean
*Looks on urban dictionary*
"An image that's been taken form a camera and printed out or viewed digitally.
You: Ohh that makes sense.... somebody should rape that other gay dictionary

by Yo Mama 694201738 August 20, 2017