Source Code

your mom

Connection terminated. I'm sorry to interrupt you, Elizabeth, if you still even remember that name, But I'm afraid you've been misinformed. You are not here to receive a gift, nor have you been called here by the individual you assume, although, you have indeed been called. You have all been called here, into a labyrinth of sounds and smells,

your mom is ugly

by Connection terminated. June 5, 2022

Your mom

A joke that isn't funny, and never will be. Grow up.

James: 'It's really wet today'
Sam: 'Like your mom'
James: 'Did no one tell you that's not funny anymore?

by iLiKebLOoD March 2, 2022

Your mom

So your mom means That the person who sent this to you is superior because i said so

Guy: Beacuse, Your mom
Guy 2: Omg your so powerful i worship you

Therefor, worhsip anyone who says "your mom" :)

Guy: Beacuse, Your mom
Guy 2: Omg your so powerful i worship you

by Your mom 🥶🤪😏😎 November 25, 2021

Your Mom

Usually a fat, stupid, ugly ogre that is commonly used as a insult.

Guy 1: Your so stupid and ugly
Guy 2: No your mom

by Walrus0353 July 12, 2021

Your mom

I had intercourse with her last night

Guy 1: Did you have sex with her?
Guy 2: Yep, I Your mommed her

by February 4, 2023

Your mom

Anyone who says is a real big old person

Your mom

by BIG JIM AND I MEAN BIG December 18, 2021

Your mom

A over used joke that people still find funny

Your mom is so fat

by Cjmruger October 26, 2022