That kid is such a fucking kid man. Theyre act like stupid spoiled IPad kid. They don't think much as thinking hrth their brain. They ask stupid questions in class in front of everyone without shame, That kid may actually be smart, but they act really really fucking stupid. That Kid definenetley loves weed. and that kid probably gets bad grades in school but somehow ends up getting by because they're a spoiled slacker that always gets what they want That kid dfineltley loves fast food like McDonald's and pizza and they probably cry whenever they feel stressed or whwnever they have homework. That kid is the type of kid to play computer or phone games in class instead of taking notes or doing work. That kid probably has a learning disability since they can't focus for shit. That kid acts whack and is gofy as hell. When that kid was younger they were definetley an IPad Kid. Everyone has that one kid in their class.
I swear when I find That Kid Imma get them
There is always that one kid at every school. They're always saying some fucked up shit nd acting goofy for attention and to make people laugh. They're the type of kid to smoke a bit of weed during lunch, and then go into class blasting music in their earphones, loud enough for everyone to hear. That kid doesn't even give a fuck about school but somehow manages to get by in all their courses. That kid probably wears hoodies and look like a mess half of the time. If that kid is a girl then she wears crop tops, or tight clothes, a crap ton of makeup and is always swearing and talking loud. That kid is such the type to walk into class with nice drinks and snacks like Starbucks or Fiji water, without even having a lot of cash. That Kid probably vapes and does stupid stuff like blowing bubbles in the hallways and talk really loud about dumb shit during class with friends. That kid doesn't even make sense when they talk and is definitely lacking common sense or brain cells since they can't even talk properly to people. That kid probably drives a nice car (because they're spoiled), and complains about how much of a struggle their life is. That kid is that one kid that asks the teacher's to play video games during class. Or that give awful inappropriate movie recommendations to teachers and talk to some teachers like their one of the bros. The list could go on and on and on, but basically you know what type of kid I'm talking about.
That Kid is so funny man, when are they ever going to learn.
To have a dual personality around girls, This personality will urge the girls to chug cheap vodka, preferably Dubra and to make out with the man holding the vodka.
Any kid who tries to get girls drunk and shamelessly make out with them is a, "Kid _____ Kid".
Named after the original, Kid Temps Kid
A kid who is known in the school for embarassing himself in front of everyone, mainly by pretending to faint on stage only to get up and procede to vibrate in front of an entire audience.
Did you see the vibrating kid Kuruvilla? I really want to subscribe to his onlyfans.
the sukiest band in the world. they will never get started. their drummer cant play for shit, she think she can but she aint got the props to play da game wow that was ghetto and the lead singer sounds like a dying monkey. but the guitarist is cool.
Just Another Kid will never begin
something you say when you like something
You : I like this television show ..... Nice tits flash kids
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