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Your mom

The biggest thing in the universe

Scientists have not yet fully understood the true size of your mom.

by Ihaveaname123 September 29, 2023

your mom

your mom

i fuc$^# your mom

by vc msn cacesqd dfc February 23, 2023

your mom

something an ipad kid says every 5 seconds

person - hey what sup?
ipad kid - your mom. {thinks is cool but is just stupid}

by QueenElizabethThe2ndFan June 5, 2021

my moms in a gang

Damn bro that’s cool

Dude: yo wassup my moms in a gang
Me: oh shit we’ll follow @mymomsinagang on twitch 😂

by September 16, 2020

mom = made of money

What m.o.m. means

Me: mum, can i have robux please
mom: no
me:why mom?
mom: no robux for you, until you grow up and you can buy robux
me: mom = made of money
mom: your grounded for 1 year
me: that's what m.o.m. means
mom: your grounded for 20 years
me:i'm 20 years old
mom: don't care = don't ask

by ihandlethisidk September 15, 2022

u mom gay

it's when u accuse a person to have a gay mom

u mom gay you little kiddo

by funny stuff u nab December 2, 2019

Your mom is not da bomb

The ultimate argument ending comeback on Roblox. Those hit by this will instantly explode.

xx_360n0sc0pe_xx : ur mum gay lmao
p$ss4munch3r5000 : no u

xx_360n0sc0pe_xx : ur granny tranny
p$ss4munch3r5000 : well guess what
xx_360n0sc0pe_xx : what
p$ss4munch3r5000 : your mom is not da bomb
xx_360n0sc0pe_xx : *combusts into giant flames and explodes*

by PlebGuy101 March 29, 2018