When a guy that eats McDonalds all the time and weighs 1000 lbs + Mhd + E.V.A.N. Unknown Black Death = A super gay white kid that plays fortnite all day and likes touching people and punching them (CH).
FAT - Commonly used in combination with Among us lobbies created by the streamer "MissFoxxyy".
In this scenario FAT stands for the following:
F - Fucking
A - Amazing
T - T-Shirts in Missfoxxys store
Example: Who is down for some FAT games tonight?
Hey, I'm doing a bit.
Hym "And being fat is allowed in your religion. Being a faggot is not Gayve Jewbin! You said you wanted to rape a tranny HodgeTwins! Hell! Straight to hell with both of you!"