A statement said when there is a nothing you can realistically do in a situation.
Often responded simply as "Id need to intervene"
"Hey John what would you do in this situation?"
(Shows video of a semi hauler truck falling down a cliff during a blizzard)
"I'd have to intervene!"
refers to a scene in the film "Imperium" where the main character, Nate, hosts a riot for white supremacy. In which a colored actor asks "Nate, what are you doing man?", to where Nate responds "Shut the fuck up nigger"
You: "Nate, what are you doing man?"
someone: "shut the fuck up nigger"
When a singleton "fucks" one and then "does one", referring to the dialect used in northern parts of England meaning to simply evade.
Past tense: "I fucked her and did one"
Current: " That's a Fuck Then Do"
Future: "I'm going to fucker her and do one"
When one leads a whole season of fantasy football only to stumble in the last few weeks of the season.
Oh man, I hope end up Doing a Mason & choke in the final weeks of the season.
slam your car onto the pit entry attenuator at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway just like the way Texas did
When you cough really hard so you spin around in a circle and fix it
*Man choking*
Friend: "omg you need to do a lorreigh!"
Mama, I'm chasing a ghost
I don't know who he is
Mama, I'm chasing a ghost
I don't know where he is
Mama, I'm chasing a ghost
Do I look like him? (Like, what?)
Like him (like, what?)
Like him (like, what?)
Like him
M:Do I look like him
M:Like himmmm
F:Bro what
M:It's a Tyler the creator song bro