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what would you do in this situation?

A statement said when there is a nothing you can realistically do in a situation.

Often responded simply as "Id need to intervene"

"Hey John what would you do in this situation?"
(Shows video of a semi hauler truck falling down a cliff during a blizzard)
"I'd have to intervene!"

by Дecca September 10, 2023

Nate, what are you doing man?

refers to a scene in the film "Imperium" where the main character, Nate, hosts a riot for white supremacy. In which a colored actor asks "Nate, what are you doing man?", to where Nate responds "Shut the fuck up nigger"

You: "Nate, what are you doing man?"

someone: "shut the fuck up nigger"

by bearded dragons r kewl March 12, 2024

Fuck Then Do

When a singleton "fucks" one and then "does one", referring to the dialect used in northern parts of England meaning to simply evade.

Past tense: "I fucked her and did one"
Current: " That's a Fuck Then Do"
Future: "I'm going to fucker her and do one"

by jamiebear1989 January 5, 2017

Doing a Mason

When one leads a whole season of fantasy football only to stumble in the last few weeks of the season.

Oh man, I hope end up Doing a Mason & choke in the final weeks of the season.

by Mrkaye September 20, 2023

Doing a Texas

slam your car onto the pit entry attenuator at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway just like the way Texas did

Chris is doing a texas

by Ivoryctionary August 11, 2021

Do a lorreigh

When you cough really hard so you spin around in a circle and fix it

*Man choking*
Friend: "omg you need to do a lorreigh!"

by Cat in the hat ;P September 11, 2022

Do I look like him

Mama, I'm chasing a ghost
I don't know who he is
Mama, I'm chasing a ghost
I don't know where he is
Mama, I'm chasing a ghost
Do I look like him? (Like, what?)
Like him (like, what?)
Like him (like, what?)
Like him

M:Do I look like him
M:Like himmmm
F:Bro what

M:It's a Tyler the creator song bro

by Lexi♡ December 1, 2024