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Chicken and Cheese

“Chicken and Cheese” is a reference in volleyball when a setter sets the volleyball and the hitter hits and scores.

Sam set Kenzie and Kenzie scored with her hit, that was chicken and cheese.

by Glacier Volleyball Program December 15, 2024

Chicken and Cheese

a delicous mix of protein and fat which tastes okay .

I like chicken and cheese

by Dandy- Randy March 15, 2017

gone off blue cheese

When you leave blue cheese out for too long and it goes rotten.

The gone off blue cheese tastes like mold.

by Debskelly1985 March 25, 2023

closing the cheese

When you're gossiping and spilling the tea but the drama gets too spicy so you have to stop

" I can't eat fruit because fruit scares me!"
"This ain't it I'm closing the cheese"

by cheesyqueen January 25, 2019

closing the cheese

When you're gossiping and spilling the tea but the drama gets too spicy so you have to stop

That's it I'm closing the cheese!

by Guuurl January 27, 2019

European cheese burger

A cheese burger that the people from over in that one fucking place eat you know what I mean?

Go eat a European cheese burger fag tard

by Luciepoo March 23, 2022

1👍 1👎

cheese bear

the biggest fags of all fags, you would never want a cheese bear in your life they’re usually fat too

hey is that cheese bear ?

cheese bear looks fat

by fuckingcoolassmf May 20, 2021