Doing a Jeremy, means you will play a lot of different games in a short like. Usually this phenomenon will occur when someone is so bored, every game will bore the person.
I'm so bored today. Maybe I could Do a Jeremy.
The effect has already been profoundly negative FOR THE ONLY PERSON BEING AFFECTED and if it needs if it needs to come to child murder then you clearly don't care in the way you pretend to about human life.
Hym "And they aren't doing it to you so you would not know . If you don't have tolerate the bigotry then I don't have to tolerate this. MY SOLUTION or CHILD MURDER. BINARY CHOICE. YOU PARTICIPATE OR I'LL BRING IT TO YOUR DOORSTEP. YOU CHOSE TO PARTICIPATE. So, you will. You're going to love what I do to her. Not as much as I will. But you'll love it."
We can do whatever we want now?
When you’ve busted and keep going
Let's say you want to take your GF to Barbados but you can't get time off work. Every time you boss comes up with an objection to you getting jiggy in the sun with Bae you come up with a brilliant way to shut him down.
In the end you win and he gets his ass handed to him.
Ian was being a hard ass but Gaz was doing a Boris.
To do a Henke is when someone heavily depends on you and you purposely screw up. This will usually result in death.
Man, we were so close to winning that. But you just had to do a Henke