Source Code

The A-Dubs Special

When your dad gives you back-shots right when you wake up so you can get out of bed. (This can result in a cream pie or facial.)

Hey Ethan, how are you so energetic this morning? It’s 7AM!

Ethan: β€œBecause my dad woke me up to the A-Dubs Special.”

by Joost Pluimers October 1, 2021

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


the most intensely, legit, badass on the planet; a comedic genius misunderstood in his era; also sometimes referring to "Domination" by the rapper T-Dub

Guy #1: "Woah did you see that guy? He was so T-Dub!"

Guy #2: "You mean the guy that was on that pink tricycle?"

Guy #1: "Yea man didn't you see how badass he was?"

Guy#1: "These lyrics are so pro man!"
Guy#2: "Yea i kno! It's like T-Dub wrote it!"
Guy#1: "HAHAHAHA!"

by thatcrazyasiankid January 19, 2011

45πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


A cigarette (Australian)

oi pass us the dub

by David1242 August 29, 2008

1πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

dub step

this music genre is similar to fart noises on acid

(youtube live dub step concert)

by Wilfred Henry O'Brien November 1, 2011

158πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž

B Dubs

A term used to describe the popular sports bar Buffalo Wild Wings. Also called BW's, BW3's, or the place with the hot bartenders.

Person 1: Man lets go to b dubs

Person 2: yeah i wanna have some blazin' chickin' wings that give me the shits!

Person 1: yeah and then we can wash it down with drinks until we get waisted!

Person 2: And then Drive!

Both: Fuck Yeah! (high fives are exchnged)

by Pete Hovl October 19, 2006

393πŸ‘ 252πŸ‘Ž

wubba lubba dub dub

β€œI am in great pain, please help me.”

imagine ..wubba lubba dub dub!

by Cin Sity November 6, 2020

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

dub monkey

A refined individual who has realised that by watching dubbed anime they can multi-task and better realise the emotions of the characters.

Truely, dub monkeys are the truest of anime fans

by Liam Says March 9, 2019

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž