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A happy Hitler without pupils.

Person: 8=D
Someone else: I am so offended, don't you know I'm Jewish?

by herpity derpty August 29, 2014

84๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

8 ball

specifically one-eighth ounce of cocaine

We did up an 8-ball last night.

by Snif December 24, 2002

1070๐Ÿ‘ 618๐Ÿ‘Ž

Prop 8

A dumb statewide measure that takes away the right from same-sex couples to marry.

Dude Prop 8 was unfair and wrong.

by 45454564433566 November 11, 2008

130๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž

8 AM

A class that begins at 8 AM, also known as the bane of the existence for college students. Classes that begin at 8 AM are pretty much GPA-suicide for any class with an attendance policy. You're either going to miss it, or you're not going to awake enough to function. Especially avoid if it's a science or math class.

John: Hey man, I'm taking an 8 AM Bio class.
Mark:...I'd rather lick a cheese grater.

by To00775 May 5, 2013

25๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž



oh yea out your WANG in my cunt

by Ivanna Wangme August 31, 2003

152๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž


If you were born on this day, you are skinny. No doubt about it. A beautiful skinny girl that people love.

Shes so fucking pretty, her birthday is probably Feb 8

by NotYoutGirl October 18, 2019

94๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

8% Child

A child that for no reason is fascinated with the drawing of dicks and cannot stop doing this, only 8% of children have this affliction (source, Superbad).

I must be part of the 8% children, I can't stop drawing dicks.

by Joseph William B. April 20, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž