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Libertas WoW

A haven full of retards...Nuff said.

"Hey, have you ever been to Libertas WoW?"

"Fuck that.."

by Jesusmaster9111 March 13, 2010

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Oh Wow

When your friends says something every dirty minded and you don't know how to respond.

Person 1: Are you a raisin? Cause you're raisin my dick!!!
Person 2: Oh Wow

by Reddie_4Ever November 5, 2019

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wow grant

To do something wrong, or stupid.
Very retarded or large.
Maybe funny

man 1 - Yo is 2 + 2 =4?
man 2 - wow grant.

man 1 - dude this game is the shit! i love Ninja turtles game!
man 2 - didn't know grant designed games

by lol grant June 19, 2008

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wow wo w wo wow wow wo ow owowow wow wo wow ow wow ow woww w


wow wo w wo wow wow wo ow owowow wow wo wow ow wow ow woww w

by wow wo w wo wow wow wo ow owow November 6, 2020

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The WoW Effect

The effect caused by a video game that causes one or more people to care about nothing but the video game. Given the choice, someone effected by this would rather avoid any conversation or activity that has no relivance to the game they play. Most commonly seen with World of Warcraft (The WoW Effect)

Jim Carry's average relationship time is 3.5 years.. does he have The WoW Effect or is 3.5 years too long?

by Dragonmast12 January 14, 2011

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Wow bro

What you say when you say question that's somthing that you would only question if you were to be on drugs or are in thy shower at the current moment

Me:In 2024 queen elizabeth would have reined for 69 years and 2024 turned sidways is 4202

The bois:wow bro

by Turn_off_safe_search_sonic_69 June 19, 2020

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edi wow

means I don't really care much about what you're saying. Basically people who don't value your opinion say this a lot to anything/everything you say.

Bob: Wow, did you see the northern lights dancing around last night?
Jacob: edi wow

by lawlietea October 3, 2022

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