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keep it band

Keep it band or keeping it band, maintaining a real relationship with people and always being candid with them.

Being straight forward.

Joseph: Hey, are you going to the library to do your homework
Christian: Keep it band with you, I'm probably not even going to go.

by ms.optimistic101 March 5, 2017

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band hopper

a person (usually female) who has a one night stand with one member of a band, then proceeds on to the next band and has a one night stand with one of their members, and so on.

a groupie, who hops from band to band.

"Dude, she got with that guy from Chelsea Grin, then that guy from Hermione, then that guy from Inn Hell! She is such a band hopper!"

by lolmustaches January 1, 2010

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Marching Band

HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Absolute Fucking HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s 7:30. We’re outside, and it’s raining... Well, it feels like Marching Band.

by Satan666=me May 10, 2019

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Band Mole

anouther term for groupie. its of australian origin, describes a girl who has slept with everyone in the band.

"Bebe Buell slept with members from The Rolling Stones, Iggy Pop, David Bowie, Jimmy Page, and Steven Tyler. she is a definative band mole."

by Dolly_88 April 10, 2009

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Band Kid

A minor, usually a High Schooler, who is in their school’s band club/marching band. They are known for being painfully unfunny and cringy

Person: Hey how are yo-

Band Kid: Amongus, Ligma, Candice, Sugondeez, Obama, Your Mom, DEEZ NUTS

Person: ...

by Rhyttiahh July 23, 2021

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Band Nerd

Usually a Marching Band kid, although it can be a normal boring band kid. We are all addicted to crack cocaine.

wow your such a Band Nerd. Why won’t you stop practicing? Is that Crack over there?

by TacoBellShit October 21, 2019

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A ship from the game super danganronpa 2 between mikan tsumiki and ibuki mioda

Person 1: do you like the ship band-aid

Person 2: what

by .Ibuki mioda. August 18, 2021

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