a dumbass and gay person.
" hey have you seen Ari??? "
" He's probably being gay with his friends "
He is the most selfless person I know. He will always put others first before himself, even though it breaks him apart. He will do everything for his friends and always consider them as his brothers. Having him in your life is probably one of the greatest things that you'll ever have. You will always learn something from him, and help you to become a better person. He's really trustworthy. If there's one word to describe him, it would be blessing. You'll be the luckiest if he chooses to be with you, most especially for the rest of his life. Aris is one of a kind. He's a gem that you'll never want to lose.
Aris is mine.
Aris is my man.
I don't share my Aris.
A boy who is so precious and very endearing. You will never get enough of his smile and little laughter. He has a nice hair, smile, and voice. He is enjoyable to be around with. His presence alone could make you happy. One thing he should know, he truly deserves to be drowned with love.
"I like to see Aris's smiles and giggles."
"Haha, well, I see where you are coming from, I agree, I wonder if everybody thought the same thing."
"Well, I don't know if someone else thought the same thing, but I'm really happy that he is existing."
a boy who has a female name, I love him so much, he is so handsome, everyday I wish too lie in his bed next too him cuddling, corny but ye I love you ari, has a very big dick very handsome very sweet, but can be a lil simp too other women but thats alr. I love you with all my heart bro:(.
ari!!: hi
?: I love you sm:)
A Anime woman who is known to be shy and quiet. Features to find these women include skinny lips (If shown) and short.
Look at that girl she looks like a (Ari)
A whore/slut who cheats on men almost constantly/has intercourse with random men while in relationships