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A very cute, sexy couple from Descendants containing Ben Beast and Harry Hook, with many fanfictions made about it.

“Barry has a way too little amount of fanfictions made about it! It deserves way more!”

by unforgettwble April 30, 2023


Name that screams "British!!!"
Alongside Edward.

Barry: whats ur name
zane: im zane, wat bout u
Barry: im barry
zane: you're british
Barry: f u

by cooooooooooooooooooooooooookie May 28, 2024


a legend. named after the one and only Barry Benson. You like unique girls and enjoy being outside. Don’t change bro!!

Yo I just met a sick dude Barry. He’s legit so rad.

by shrekthegreenogre March 1, 2019


A name given to ginger haired women who are unwilling to share their birth name when asked.

Are you and Barry still together?
I'm surprised Barry hasn't popped one out yet.

by Mushyp June 11, 2022


A very respected man at the pub

Barry was a respected alcoholic

by Barry the rich alcoholic April 11, 2020


the most retarted person you'll ever know. he is a gigantic hick that fucks his sisters. Barry's are known for their small dicks. everything that come out his mouth makes you want to shoot yourself in the head.

Barry is a retart and has a small dick.

by EAGEEEEEEEEEEEDBHDjdjsjhshjdwq May 3, 2017


4chan slang for a person who is a big fan of one single game and defends it at all costs.

'did you see this anon who is only talking about this game?'
'yeah he's a real barry'

by Hobo Warrior March 5, 2023