Source Code

Benni Number

The numbers on your food stamp card or SNAP card.

What’s your Benni Number

by Hoodcelebrityy October 15, 2019

Bennie (Ben)

Someone so perfect and undescriblely BEAUTIFUL. He is amazing,understanding,kind,funny, sweet, modest,fashionable, athletic, and well-rounded person out their. He is one of a kind. If you are called a bennie it is the best compliment out their,unfortunately there is only one true bennie tho

Omg he is such a bennie (Ben)

by Bennielover111 October 20, 2019

Benny davito

a awesome musical singer who is really good at singing

person 2: *gasp* OH MY GOT IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Coolguy76/Ricardo April 23, 2022

benny chaser

A sneaky little devil that tries to date flight attendants to use their flight benefits.

John: Ay baby girl heard you are a flight attendant. Wanna hook me up with some free tix?

FA: Bro I don’t even know you. Typical benny chaser move.

by Martha’sBloomers69 October 12, 2018

Benny collins disease

A disease composed of random ailments, contracted by using another person's towel.

No Susie, don't use that towel! You'll get Benny Collins disease!

by BananaHammack4u December 2, 2016

benny hill

the nick name given to one of the most handsome and greatest bricklayers in the universe

who's that gorgeous bricklayer over there oh that's Paul aka benny hill not only is he one the best looking blokes on the planet he's a brilliant trowel

by mr cod September 3, 2022