Source Code


(v.) To 'C-19 something' is to cancel it or shut it down due to Coronavirus COVID-19.

Liv: "Man it sucks to be a musician, I had about 20 gigs in the next two months and the venues had to C-19 all of them!"
Ellie: "I know, right! All of mine got C-19'd as well."

by bill cauliflower April 5, 2020


The act of getting fooled in fantasy football surrounding all the hype of RB Christine Michael based on a single player note that stated, "C-Mike: Ready to rock!"

Last year Tyler got C-Mike'd in our fantasy football league when he dropped his whole team and blew his load that C-Mike was ready to rock when really he was a pit of despair.

by TSBC August 18, 2016


Short for Objective-C

Dev: Okay, what language is this in?
StackOverflow: It's in Obj-C.

by AltShiftK February 12, 2021

"C" Pot

Couch potato.

Someone who is always sitting on the couch eating potato chips and watching t.v.

My brother is such a "C" Pot, he's so lazy.

by sammi girl August 4, 2007


a girl with a beautiful booty that curves like a "C"

damn that girl got CAPITAL C-CURVE! DAYUUMM

by bootyman89 September 18, 2011

George C

Absolute tosspot. Ego bigger than his dick

George c needs to be humbled

by Andrew Tate 101 July 12, 2022


The ultimate food option at Subway, specifically a subway footlong (S) and a subway cookie (C). The slang is Australian and is thought to have originated from crackheads at the University of Sydney. Regardless, it is a killer combination that offers the right amount of healthy and unhealthy, vegetables and processed sugar, crystal meth and crack cocaine.

Friend 1: "I'm all out of crystal meth!"
Friend 2: "It's alright, we'll get S&C while we wait for Jesse to come by with a new batch."

by bradleysheadissick August 21, 2023