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The act of getting fooled in fantasy football surrounding all the hype of RB Christine Michael based on a single player note that stated, "C-Mike: Ready to rock!"

Last year Tyler got C-Mike'd in our fantasy football league when he dropped his whole team and blew his load that C-Mike was ready to rock when really he was a pit of despair.

by TSBC August 18, 2016


(v.) To 'C-19 something' is to cancel it or shut it down due to Coronavirus COVID-19.

Liv: "Man it sucks to be a musician, I had about 20 gigs in the next two months and the venues had to C-19 all of them!"
Ellie: "I know, right! All of mine got C-19'd as well."

by bill cauliflower April 5, 2020


\ sē,'spam-miŋ \ v. the practice used by advocacy organizations in which they ask their membership to email members of Congress or state legislators in an attempt to influence legislation and policy votes. Largely used by political organizations such as MoveOn and the National Rifle Association (NRA).

This action is mostly useless, as legislators are principally concerned with re-election and therefore only care about their own constituents' opinions, and as the emails are usually canned forms generated through websites and petition forms, it's difficult or impossible to determine which of the thousands or tens of or hundreds of thousands of received emails are actually from their own constituents.

Call or mail an old-fashioned snail mail letter if you want an opinion counted.

Legislators, on the other hand, love the opportunity to harvest the email addresses so that they may later spam the senders with with their own propaganda in a practice known as "constituent communication," which is better known as conning. The material sent is known as canned spam.

NRA Reichsmarschall Wayne LaPierre told his aids to mobilize his sheep in a c-spamming campaign, asking his mindless followers to email all members of Congress to defeat the gun safety legislation targeted at protecting elementary school children from massacre by assault rifles.

by Wonksemiologist October 13, 2013

Alexander C

C is for Cock which he shows off to literally everyone

fuck u Alexander C

by Wiggly Mr.Dickls the 1st October 10, 2019


C-Rex is a shorter term for Cunt-a-sorus. This would be a term that would be able to be used on social media without using the word "Cunt".

That girl on TV was such a C-Rex for dumping her boyfriend for his buddy.

by chom March 3, 2017

Fil C

A filthy 4 eyed faggot

Fuck man, this Fil C is a pain in the cunt

by Yan2023 June 6, 2023


Cool factor , usually in reference to objects and refer them as better than your everyday objects.

if you buy these kind of wheels, it's got high c-factor. You be the "cool kid on the block"

by onecogmind April 3, 2015