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lefticular cancer

Testicular cancer of the lefticle

"Sorry, I can't come out this weekend, I've got a chemo session for my lefticular cancer."

by Fatty_McOink_Gay July 14, 2008

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cancer cell

A cancer cell is someone who you don't want to be around no matter what. Most people will go to extremes to avoid this type of people. There called cancer cells because when your around them you feel like your being eaten from the inside out.

that dudes a cancer cell.

by Doredude March 15, 2018

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cancer kid

A baby who has little hair.

My 7-month-old was on a play date with a cancer kid.

by frabrizio February 21, 2017

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Breath Cancer

1) When someone's breath is SO rancid, you can't help but utter, "Yer breath is KILLIN' me (smalls)!!" Hence the term: Breath Cancer. Breath that Kills. It's no joke!

2) OR, when yer friend has a "thinko" as she tries to say 'Breast Cancer', and really she says, 'Breath Cancer'. Then you erupt in laughter cause it's just THAT funny!

Oh my Gawd, did he just eat a clove of garlic? He has total Breath Cancer!!!

by Lori LoLo Robb August 16, 2010

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cancer patient

The ultimate fucking cancer-carrying diseased shithead. Needs high amounts of gamma radiation to cure usually resulting in death. Not to be confused with a person who actually has cancer.

Kid: Hey, do u wanna play minecraft, dad?
Dad: You useless fuckin cancer patient

by Seeker of Truth-- November 19, 2015

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Facebook cancer

Someone who posts such bad/ridiculous things on facebook you, it litreally maes you feel like you got cancer!

Oh look at what he posted again! Miha Fink is such a facebook cancer!

by Dronzy January 15, 2015

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Pancreatic cancer

A bitch of a cancer that Elisabeth Sladen (or Sarah Jane Smith ) apparently died of.

n medicine, pancreatic cancer is a malignant neoplasm of the pancreas. In typical usage, the term "pancreatic cancer" refers specifically to the significantly most common type of cancer, adenocarcinoma (and some variants thereof), that arises within the exocrine component of the pancreas, although the term can also reasonably be used to encompass less common types of cancer that also originate within the pancreas, and is quite frequently inclusive of the other exocrine cancers. Pancreatic cancer is the fourth most common cause of cancer death, both in the US and internationally.

Guy: Dude, I've got pancreatic cancer.
Guy 2: Difd

by Fuck_Life June 26, 2011

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