Body fat accumulated during lame-ass pandemics.
Damn... Look at all that covid fat on Jeff Ross!
Implementing things that aren't necessarily thought of as fashionable such as a mask, clear face visor. Some can turn some gauze into a scarf, whatever you can find at the pharmacy, lol
Oh baby that scarf is so COVID chic.. Prance girl, prance
Babies born during worldwide lockdown of covid. particularly in New Zealand who loves to spend time eating and having sex.
Shazza is a generation covid baby.. She will display unsociable tendencies and hightened suspicion of pharmacutical companies and governments in general resulting from the apocalytical world she was concieved through.
Weight Gain incurred by being in Covid prison
The gym is closed and has given me a covid belly
Conveniently catching COVID when you either have work or social plans that you don’t want to take part in.
He didn’t feel like going to work this morning so caught convenient COVID
The chips put in front of you in New York restaurants to make it look like you're eating, while you're actually drinking. They must be chips because King Cuomo said chicken wings were insufficient as food but for some reason carbs are fine.
Bartender: Hey If you're not gonna eat I gotta put these covid chips in front of you
Patron: thanks man, hopefully king cuomo won't get re-elected.
A covidiot circle jerk where participants try to land their ambiguously negative bodily fluids onto a cracker in the middle of the circle. The last guy to land eats the cracker. Covid-19 inspired variant of soak the cracker.
Covid Joe joined his bros down at the lake for a game of covid the cracker.