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Spinning cylinder of doom

Those round brushes in car washes

Oh no! The Spinning Cylinder Of Doom has eaten the worker!

by Armadillo Cracker July 14, 2022


When a person ejaculates at the frequency and potency of flowberry fizz from Fortnite whilst being dressed like Dr doom

Yo bro, you got fizz?”

by Mavvcc October 10, 2024


The act of doing intense penile training to last longer in bed. The goal is to be a strong as DoomGuy

Chase was “doomingyesterday and lasted years

by Doomingdetriment March 1, 2024


A word to describe a terrible designer

man, that designer is so dooming.

by Caldico June 14, 2020

Doom Squad

Doom Squad is an organization created by antman11r and active to this day

Doom squad is amazing

by DOOMnumerous November 13, 2020

Doom Doom

It is a different way of describing someone who is either built peculiar or their body looks like it's leaning to the side. In other words: fat.

"Yo you seen that doom doom that was walking in the hallway just now?"

by AUI January 16, 2023

doom boom

A war explosion.

Our atom bomb will cause a doom boom that would poison the air and soil forever.

by Ereck Flowers November 21, 2018