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I feel like we all need a bit of Erin in our lives. She’s a person who wants to take charge and prove herself to others without realizing that it’s her that she’s trying to prove wrong.

And sometimes it’s too much for her and everything feels like it’s just falling apart. But then she’ll turn around and help someone in need without picking up her mess first… in other words she puts others waayyyy before herself.

She’s athletic to a certain point, while she’s not the number one athlete, she’s trying her hardest… but of course she never seems to realize that is all anyone should be asking for.

Make sure she knows that she’s amazing and that she’s enough because she doesn’t recognize that a whole lot.

Don’t ever think she’s less because she believes she is… she is a beast who hasn’t waken up yet, so be ready for her to realize her potential!!

Also if you happen to have a certain crush on a certain someone named Erin, then you might want to buy this certain Erin flowers, at the very most, and tell her!! She loves guys that will get to the point!!

Anyways, hold on to her for as long as you can. You never know how much you rely on her until she’s gone…

Friend 1: Girl my life is falling apart and I don’t know who to talk to

Erin: Well I’m here if you need to vent or even if you’d like some advise

Friend 2: Yeah I would help you but Erin got me through a rough patch so you might want to talk to her about it

by Where’s my Disney romance??? August 13, 2023


she is the most beautiful young girl you will ever meet. she has an amazing boyfriend who has brown hair. she has black hair and is small and amazing. a bit crazy sometimes but laughs at almost everything and has loads of friends. she always has a smile on her face. you want to know an erin. you also want to be her amazing boyfriend who also has blue eyes.

"Erin!"shouted Matilda,"Is that your amazing boyfriend over there."
"Yeah!"shouted Erin.

by YoBOIFriend November 5, 2019


Ohhh where do I start. She can be a trouble maker but all teachers love her. She is out of this world with her sports. Her friends are amazing (Amber) and so is she. She is such a great Bff and rad grad.

Erin!! is true rad grad

by #Writetruth July 7, 2018


Erins tend to have short blondish brown hair. Erins tend to be called their siblings name which make them angry. Erins can be extremely annoying and never leaves you alone, but sometimes just sometimes they can be useful and kind. If you ever meet a Erin be warned

"Go away Erin leave us alone!"

by xxx. _j355_. xxx April 1, 2019


(noun) A big hammer (in a game or IRL) can be named "An Erin" or "THE Erin". If it breaks knees, it's preferable.

"Wow, bro! Your Erin really smashed that giant!"
"I like my Erin a lot. She does omega damage"
"Did you see the cool Erin I made for my cosplay last week? Can't wait to smash some knees!"

by mrsh00ster August 2, 2021


a sweet kind girl who loves her name and she always goes for the sweet, kind, cute boys. Erin would give up her life just to save others . She would help others when in need and would most likely succeed in life. Erin is an athlete who is most likely to play soccer for some big league team.


by Erinluvsya January 30, 2019


Throws fridge baskets at younger brother and is a meat eater (ie takes chunks out of brothers bicep) but only after punching him

Tanner: Oh where did this hole in my bicep come from?
Kyle-Lee: Duh, it was an Erin.

by Bicep biter March 28, 2019