The liberty gift is a disgusting package of nastiness, which is flung against the property of someone you hate or feel like spiting.
The liberty gift is made from a dead phish stuffed with cat snit and wrapped in an ammonia-soaked towel.
There are two methods of delivery: Active and Passive
Acftive delivery requires that you fling it or hum it at a target which whould compromise the peace of mind of yopur victim. The active approach usually makes a mess.
The passive approach involves placing or setting the gift on top of your target. The contents of the package tend to seep on to the target and cause corrosive damage.
For more fun try a flaming liberty gift.
If you find a dead phish stuffed with cat shit wrapped in an ammonia-soaked towel, chances are it is a liberty gift.
A gift you received with bad vibes from a person, that is then gifted to another person without knowing that it has bad vibes.
Jumanji Gift - To re-gift a cursed gift to an unknowing recipient.
“Yeah, I Jumanji’d that weird statue (insert ex gf name) gave me to a coworker for Secret Santa. It’s their problem now.”
when you receive a gift for a holiday such as christmas, and u come back to school, work, or whatever and it seems like everyone else has the same thing. when this happens you get in an uncomfortable state because you are now not considered original.
(PERSON 1) hey look that bro must have gotten the same sweater for christmas
(PERSON 2)oh crap I must have gotten gift gypped
The act (often by a husband) of shifting the timing of a previously planned gift to coincide with another event or holiday in order to either a)avoid being totally giftless or b) avoid double gifting
Jon gave his wife a bike on Mother's Day thereby Gift Shifting from his planned summer purchase.
Gift Catfishing is when someone tells you they are want to purchase something for you, but then they don’t.
Josh was gift catfishing yesterday when he said would get me that sweater, however, when I asked when it was shipping he said he changed his mind.
Slang term for exploring one's homosexuality when it is still at the thinly-veiled, everyone knows but it's not official yet, closet stage.
John moved out to California to work at the gift shop on the Queen Mary, if you know what I mean.
Gift Recycling is when you receive a gift that you don't want, and instead of throwing it away or letting it collect dust, you give it to someone else, usually under the impression that you purchased this gift in a store with the intended person you're giving it to in mind. This can be tremendously helpful if you receive something you don't want during the holiday season and you're looking to save some money.
Reggie received an Apple charger for Chanukah, however he did not have any apple products, so the gift was useless to him. Instead of throwing it away or going through the trouble of selling it on ebay, he used it for a Secret Santa event at his work place. Thanks to Gift Recycling, Reggie was able to save himself some hard earned pay during the holiday season!