Source Code

HotDog Package

When a group of eight dudes come into a room with baseball caps on and simultaneously shove their cock into a male/females mouth.

Guy1: Hey remember we gave Vinny the hotdog Package Last Night?

Guy2: Hell yeah that sh*t was tight brooo

by Pfeiff April 4, 2011

Hotdog sandwich ears

When you overhear part of a conversation severely incorrectly.

Guy: did you just say you want to fuck my mom!?
Other guy: no, I said we’re going to the mall
Guy: oh sorry, hotdog sandwich ears.

by ShleeBo May 14, 2023

Halloween Hotdog

A severed penis covered in blood and shit ready to eat.

Person1: What’s your favorite food?
Person2: Halloween Hotdogs!
Person3: The fuck

by The_Halloween_Slang_Man October 27, 2020

Pressed Hotdog

Like a pressed ham but use the ol’ wiener instead of the butt. Press your hotdog into the glass.

I’ll see your pressed ham & raise you with a pressed hotdog.

by Nnnnnnn??? July 27, 2019

Internet hotdog

Getting an unexpected d*ck pic

Girl 1:John sent me an internet hotdog.
Girl 2: Was it good?
Girl 1: I've seen better.

by Smiley1092 September 16, 2015

Internet hotdog

Getting an unexpected d*ck pic

Girl 1:John sent me an internet hotdog.
Girl 2: Was it good?
Girl 1: I've seen better.

by Smiley1092 September 16, 2015

Internet Hotdog

When you get an unexpected dick pic.

Girl 1: John sent me an internet hotdog.
Girl 2: Was it a good one?

Girl 1: I'd say he's at least a 10 inches

by Smiley1092 September 15, 2015