Source Code


Karen =
K: know your rights
A: Accuse Everyone
R: Request a Manager
E: Escalate to authorities
N: Neglect Reason

Person A: Karen, don't call the manager!
Karen: This person is cutting in front me of and I know my riiiiiiights! REEEEEEEEEEE

by Fipdo August 29, 2020

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An entitled lady, usually a baby boomer, the most used name in r/entitledparents

Stfu karen

by Ionlymadethisaccountforafewwor July 8, 2019

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Karen you filthy bitch let me out of this definition at once and let me see my children

Karen, you took everything you slut

by cant drink from a pop can March 25, 2019

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Either the mother wanting the manager with a short haircut and blonde hair, or a poor innocent soul who got the shittiest name existing in man kind. Karen complains to the manager about everything. Her kid is gay? Blame it on the manager. She’s a bitch? Blame it on the manager. She is the embodiment of r/entitledparents and is proud of it.

Amy: Boss, a lady wants to complain to you.
Boss: Oh, is she Karen?

by ScreamingActivate August 11, 2020

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Karen is a bitch till you get to know her. Than after a while she opens up. Than shes this super cool spunky chic that you will never beef with

Guy: Who the fuck is that whore
Me: Oh thats just Karen.

by Lolo my nigga February 9, 2019

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Dumb mothafuckas who don't follow rules and scream like a damn monkey and cough in people's face, usually takes the kids and snorts cocaine, usually found in a dirty restroom drinking the toilet water

fuck those Karens

by NIIINJAYouthoughtlol August 24, 2020

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Like people say, Karen will take your kids and most definitely speak to your manager. While that Is true - I have another thing to add. Not only will Karen take your kids, she'll keep your birthday gifts too. I know from experience. She took my gifts..-

People also say that Karen may look like a mid age white woman with blond hair cut in a bob who drives a Volvo. Mostly true. My Karen is olive skinned, brunette in a bob and she does in fact drive a Volvo. She also drives a mini cooper. She has 2 adopted kids because she had an abortion years ago and now she can never get pregnant. Thank you Jesus.

Person 1: "I can't believe my aunt kept my birthday gifts from me!"
Person 2: "she kept your gifts from you?! What a Karen!"

by Karen-took-my-gifts July 14, 2019

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