It is the act of masterbating by pretending to be four slaves building Abe Lincoln's log cabin out of popsickle sticks. You paint the popsickle sticks brown, before you start, and then proceed to slap your dick with teh sicks until you blow your load.
* you say that is what someone is doing when they are screwing around.
Wazula: Why aren't you playing halo are you building Abe Lincoln's log cabin.
Ace8904: Yes
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A derivation of The Abe Lincoln where a man uses semenal fluid as crazy glue. Instead of the man trimming his pubic region and placing them onto the female's penis pudding filled face, the man grabs a fist full of pubes, yanks it out of his crotchal area, and then slaps the blood-ridden hairs onto his female companion's face--resembling the face of our late great assassinated 16th president on April 14, 1865 in Ford's Theatre.
Mary: You hear Jimmy pulled off "The Abe Lincoln (Ford's Theatre Edition) yesterday?
Mark: Yeah, **Pulled off** literally...haha...get it? Pulled know....kinda like the pubes that he **Pulled off**...haha
Mary: Yeah I got it, you didnt have to explain it any further
Mark: Chode Lips!
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engaging in a bit of the old in-out in-out.
"Baby, when I see you, I want to tap Abe Lincoln on the forehead."
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Abraham Lincoln Elementary School, located in Glen Ellyn IL. Changes so often you think it has an identity crisis. And with a field no bigger than a paper plate. People don't even know how the school system works, they just say "okay then," and move on. And bullies farther than the eye can see. When one gets caught bullying someone the victim also gets blamed for some strange reason. And by the book teachers who knows the material as much as you do. The school is also filled with raging kids who get really mad when someone calls them dumb. And the swear filter blocks out stupid words like, stupid. And the two teacher system confuses all of us too folks. And fake boy girl relationships that kids just brag to there friends about. In a nutshell it's Ohio State Reformatory minus the jail cells.
Mom- Girls are you ready to go to pris- I mean Abraham Lincoln Elementary School?
Girl 1: Mom where are you sending us to?
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An absolute hell hole at first but it helps you a lot and you grow to love that mental hospital
A sarcastic phrase meant to downplay the complaint or misfortune of another person, similar to playing the world's tiniest violin with one's fingers.
It is a reference to the assassination of President Lincoln. Can be substituted with any phrase referring to a tragic event, such as, "Other than that, how was the flight, Sullie?"
"I just found out I have to work this weekend."
"Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?"
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You say this dark/macabre humor phrase to lighten things up when both people have been discussing sad topics. You laugh a little bit because it is so bad to say and then you move on to talking about lighter subject things again. It is a segue (pronounced seg-way) / (a conversational bridge)from sad subjects back to lighter ones.
I find it very useful, although some people have not heard it before and they get confused and don't know what you are talking about, so you have to explain it to them. Then they laugh and you both move on to lighter subjects.
Wow, that's too bad that your friend's sister's hairdresser's brother got in a car accident and lost his pinky toe. (both people feel sad and there is silence and conversation is halted) and so another person says , "But other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play!" Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln? And that is a shocking and awful thing to say, but it makes people laugh because it is so shocking and awful. Do not say this though if something is really really sad, because it will not lighten things up and it will make people mad and hurt their feelings.
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