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outside lord

grubby people who leave the house once a week and feel accomplished about it

God, that basement dweller is such an outside lord

by Indoor Lowlife May 13, 2015

Loaf Lord

Loaf Lord is a category of people originating from discord. To have someone be a Loaf Lord means they are a leader of a discord community though not just any leader. Loaf Lord's are usually very lenient and who really loves memes.

"Dude our Loaf Lord is accually hilarious"

by Epic989 February 3, 2018

Bonk Lord

A really suicidal person who makes death jokes, probably in a boat zone. This person will also not be suicidal in any way shape or form, they say they are, but they have a really good life ahead of them.

"Man, you're a real Bonk Lord if you know what I'm saying!"

"That guys a real Bonk Lord."

by Construct April 30, 2022

Lord Garrison

Lord Garrison, also known as Garry, GarBear, and Pope Garrison. Waddles the Halls of SJR and is worshiped by his students

“Lord Garrison failed me on my final!”
Nah chill twin garbear will clutch with that cruve”

by MondayNightHalfApps August 8, 2023

Lord Fred

The most legendary footballer of all time

Ole: "Did you see that legendary goal by Lord Fred"
Carrick: "He is so sick he's the GOAT"

by November 23, 2021

Cheesy Lord

The most cheesiest grand high lord of cheesy sayings. He is dirty minded and devious but a pretty cool person. Friend of the Lordess. Is also king of toasters.

“You’re so cheesy. Like, grand high cheesy lord.”

by Distractor in Chief January 1, 2021

Lord Matrix

He is the Ultimate Authority, the Library of Knowledge, the River of Purity, the Epitome of Judgement, the Alpha of Mankind. In a nutshell, he is the Lord of Everything.
His vigorous Wrath is capable of shattering the Will and Spirit of the Lord of Deities, Indra, forcing him to bow down to his already trembling knees, begging for mercy.

His unconditional mercy and generosity is protecting and improving the worthless lives of Mankind, which is on the brink of falling deeper into the damnations. Mankind should be thankful to be alive along with the Lord who is in a Human Disguise blessing all of us fragile and worthless beings.
Each and every praise offered to our Lord can never out list the infinitely long list of qualities our Lord possesses, hence, making Him, “The Real Meaning of Perfection”.
The Lord is the sole Alpha Male of all the Females existing in the world. Every Human Male married to the Female is considered a Beta Male as the Lord mercifully offers and entrusts the Female to the Human Male.

Lord Matrix: "A fire truck is actually a water truck"
Mankind: *Masturbates in tears of joy*

by Skyfather Indra December 29, 2022