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Yeah mark

What you say to a big beefy boi

Person 1: “Who’s that solo lifting Chris boddy?”
Person 2: “stfu yeah markkkk!”

by That’s gonna leave a mark October 4, 2022

Unimation Mark

The number one (1) accidentally included in a group of exclamation points, commonly seen on the internet.

"That's soo funny!!!!!1 Grrr! I hate when I add a unimation mark at the end of my exclamation points!!1!"

by The Holy Bored One September 21, 2006

Beauty Mark

A small brown or black dot that can be located all over the body. Where ever this dot is located that spot is considered beautiful.

Sweeto: I recently found a beauty mark on my neck.

Vaeh: So... what does that mean?
Vaeh: OK chill.... what that neck do that makes it beautiful?

Sweeto: ... Its just pretty when I wear jewelry smh

by LoveSickSweeto May 23, 2021

Bitchclamation Mark

Refers to the practice of punctuating a sentence with the word "bitch". Often used in badass action hero one-liners.

Use a bitchclamation mark to add oomph to any statement or to emphasize that you have just pwned your enemy.

Examples of the Bitchclamation Mark in use:

This is for emphasis, bitch! - TV Tropes
You're not the only one with a gun, bitch. - Avatar
Science. It works, bitches. - XKCD

by GryphElyse May 17, 2011

Mark Reed

Main character in the web series The Mark Side. He's usually overly happy and has a huge attraction to his friend Benjamin, who hates the attention.

Mark Reed is my favorite character in The Mark Side.

by TMSfanLisa April 28, 2017


To Mark-ham is to provide Devine dicking of gold star quality. To be Mark-hamed is where the orgasm given is mind altering and the receiver is left in a blissful yet jittery state for multiple hours.

Warning: the recipient may have flashbacks and cravings may occur up to days later.

Sharron was delighted to be Mark-hamed one passionate love making session, she didnt stopped shaking for the rest of the day.

Pete provided a wonderful Mark-ham to Sharron and is now the popular topic at any female gathering.

by Smiles for dayz May 1, 2021

Mark Hines

Mark a gentle giant that isn’t too good with the ladies (K.S.) thinks he is built just because he used to be a fat ass at 250 and now he weighs a good 200 but has nipples the size of dimes.

Person 1: “Did u see that kid with those small ass nipples”
Person 2: “Ya he tried to get on with this girl when she was blackout and he claims he smashed”
Person 3: “Yup that’s Mark Hines for you”

by Thebigdaddy March 19, 2019