Text Vibing is when two people are on the same page, or the same texting level. They are able to send vague obscure texts and the other person will still know exactly what they're talking about. They will also know the deeper meaning behind the message to a subconscious level. This is when, what actually causes the vibing aspect, takes place. Ya see, Marky Mark receives confirmation requests if these two parties are feeling these Good Vibrations. He then confirms or denies if they deserve to be apart of this Marky Mark Theory. When he confirms the Good Vibrations, that is when the two parties reach a whole new texting level, hence, Text Vibing.
Murph: I'll call him until his phone dies, like an angered over jealous untrusting girlfriend.
Ally: So basically your ex?
Murph: Oh my God! That's the reason I was using that example!
Marky Mark: C'mon C'mon! Feel it Feel it!
When you send or respond to a text without fully thinking about the consequences of doing so. Similar to drunk texting but you're completely sober. Its more just plain impulsive
Example 1:
Father: You stayed out too late at that party last night; you're grounded for the next week
Son: Fuck you old man!
Father: make that the next month
Son: C'mon dad, that was my text reflex!
Example 2:
Texter Dude 1: Hey baby, you wanna go hookup behind the bleachers?
Texter Chick 1: Hell no you creeper! WTF is up with u? Drunk?
Texter Chick 1's friend: Yah, that was his text reflex
A text message from your partner that does not end with 'x'. You know you're in trouble when you get one of these, especially when you're unaware of the pretext.
'Dude, I just got a text that said 'I've got your flip flops''
'Did it end in with a kiss?'
'Nah. It's a No x Text, man!'
'Oh dear. Shit gonna hit the fan, bro!'
When someone recieves a text with no body just from who sent it.
When you send an empty text message to someone by accident.
Mary: *opens phone and sees a text from Mario with nothing in it*
Mario: Sorry i didn't mean to send you a blank text!
Mary: Why you sending me a rogue text!
When your hand gets a cramp from texting too much and turns into a claw. Could be abbreviated by the letters "TC".
Amy: Sorry I had to call, I have "texting claw" from being so textually active today.
Nicole: That's ok, sometimes I get the TC, too.
To text and walk without looking ahead.
Dude! Did you hear about the text-destrian that walked into the fountain?!?!
An individual who is still in text mode when writing emails or letters. They write everything abbreviated as most people do in text messages but they continue to abbreviate everything even when not phone texting. This is out of habit but for some its just sheer laziness.
Dear Laurie,
How R U 2day? I hope all is well with U! I can't w8 4 spring break so I can come 2 Florida 2 visit U! Do U think the plane ticket will be Xpensive? Thanks 4 letting me stay in your beach house! I will write U l8ter....
Luv U,
P.S. Sorry I am a text talker...I'm just so use to texting on the phone so now when I write letters its just habit for me to abbreviate everything. LOL!