Battery+Operated+Boyfriend is an object that will buy a woman everything an anything she wants. Otherwise known as "Bob"
"My+Battery+Operated+Boyfriend (Bob) is pretty useful, until he needs new batteries"
@ and + meet at - house and % comes too to help and give advice for the special operation. Before and after the operation is complete they will hang out. There are many people assisting in the operation. + will get special balloons from # which $ will deliver to + For the operation. % will help + with the operation and to stay in the safe zone not say anything weird and successfully complete the operation. Once the operation is complete @ + - # $ and % will all hang out.
Operation M.O.O.S.E.
By +
I was so happy when Operation M.O.O.S.E. was successfully completed.
drunken way of saying operate a motorized vehicle
I am not qualified to operize a motorated vehicle
Ability to deal with and/or find workarounds for, engineering acts and/or omissions.
The machine was designed on paper to fit the job, however in reality it was not practical . The operator made it work.
The person in charge, the one who gets
things done.It can be business or getting paid.
That Guy is an Operator.
Oka chi otaka operating’a.
when a bee stings you while you're inside a structure of some sorts
Operation FHF is a way to get back at your ex FHF Standing for Fuck Her Friend
It's time to start operation FHF on this hoe