Ricky’s magical fruit that gives him the energy to pound Miles like never before
Ricky’s Apples are great for pounding
When you drink too much and end up in the part of downtown that no one wants to go and you're mad and friends have followed you and are screaming NOOO! AND YOU ARE PUNCHING SIGNS UNTIL YOUVE BROKEN ALL YOUR FINGERS IN YOUR DOMINANT HAND. AGAIN.
Pulling A Ricky: had too many 40s last night and pulled a Ricky again.
the most amazing man you will ever meet, a legend, a champion, and all out g!
arthur: “you look happy today, what’s up?”
samuel: “i met someone last night- the most amazing person i’ve ever met!”
arthur: “oh shit- what’s her name?”
samuel: “not a girl.. RICKY FUCKING LAL”
arthur: “who is ricky lal?”
samuel: “only the best person u will ever meet”
A very bad guy.ricky mucho is someone not to be fucked with he will take ur girl make her suck his dick an send her back to u with cum on her lip.He is also cute an can be a very good boyfriend if u like crazy ......
Ricky mucho fucked my girl harder than how I have every fucked her
A very bad guy.ricky mucho is someone not to be fucked with he will take ur girl make her suck his dick an send her back to u with cum on her lip.He is also cute an can be a very good boyfriend if u like crazy ......
Ricky mucho fucked my girl harder than how I have every fucked her
A deep sea creature that resides in the dreadfull 5th hall of hell and its diet consists off mainly dick and balls along with shaving cream. The monster often shed its skin in front of it prisoner of class,some say the beast never dies, inmortality some say with the age of 60793 know of It destruction of many city,but there is only one way of taken it
Down and that is a stab in the beast strong back with the sword of truth,if you fail just make pace with it and all will go good.
Student 1 maaan i got ricky voss class son
Student 2 NOOOO my son your balls are bout to be gone my nigga
Student 3 yea she/he got mine last friday cuz oh son faild hes math
Student 1 FUCK
Rookie Ricky is the newest bitch in Fantasy Football. This is not saying he is the only bitch; just the newest. Anyone else in the league named Ricky is still a bitch, just a more Senior Bitch.
"Hey Rookie Ricky, tell your bitch brother Ricky to set his lineup"
"Yessah Mr Ass Last, I'm a good Rookie Ricky...Best Rookie Ricky you own"