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boogar slap

The act of bitch slapping someone so hard boogars, and spit fly from the face of the unsuspecting foe.

Damn bro Rick just boogar slapped the shit out of that dude!!

by 4runner91 February 25, 2017

Slap it fresh

To present something new or old immediately for presentation to the current company.

I got that new video game, nigga.

Word son? Slap it fresh.

by Tebbo February 4, 2010

Daap Slap

Hard work that is art/design related suddenly failing because of a trivial oversight. Usually just before a critique when you'd be tired, hungry, and ready to quit. Then you are Daap Slapped without a completed project to show and may have to make due with something worthless.

"This project should never see the light of day."

"Time for crit and you ain't got shit"

by daaper13 March 8, 2011


Slapped so hard you forgot everything you know, I.e., you don't know Jack..Jack-slapped

Person 1: Hey what are you doing?
Person A: Messing with the police.
Person 1: You're going to get Jack-slapped

by Nepuuuu January 1, 2020

cultural slap

expression used when a person doesn´t know or forgot something typical, classic or trending. Mostly like an ignorant person that doesn´t know universal history, breaking news, mainstream facts, etc. Usually air heads deserve cultural slaps.

Example 1: It´s incredible that my boyfriend doesn´t know in what continent Egypt is, pff cultural slap!

Example 2: Are you kidding? Why have you never seen the end of Titanic? Cultural slap.

by juno! July 28, 2012

Neon slap

The act of slapping the dash board of a Neon to get the gauges working. Owners of 1st generation Neons are probably quite familiar with this.

"Damn, speedo stopped working again!"
< Neon slap >
"That's better."

by MITB September 13, 2006

slap a cig

to ask someone if they have an extra cigarette for you or to ask if they want to go smoke one

-Damn, I got a 4% on my math test, I need to go slap a cig.

-Shit, I'm out of cigs, you mind if I slap one?

by captain insano32 February 28, 2011