An individual that looks and acts tough, but is actually a pushover.
A bully or poser
"That Gas Station Pocket Knife started a shove match with a waiter for getting his girlfriend's order wrong, but he started crying after the waiter threw a punch."
Secret spot where you go in your house to masturbate. Sometimes adorned with mags, lotion, and tissues.
Brb man, I'm going to use the batin' station.
A space that is always set up and ready for a guy to sit down and masturbate. Often a desk that has everything needed for a good bate session. A Pump Station often includes: a computer that stays at the station always set up and ready to turn on; headphones; lube; poppers; fleshlight/jack-off-sleeve; tissues; cum rags; wet wipes for cleanup; etc.
I just upgraded my pump station. I added a 45" screen, a holder on the side of the desk with three different lubes, and a droor for my cum rags. Now that everything has its place I can be hard and batin' to large screen porn in a matter of 30 seconds.
A mythical NYC subway station that is spoken by conductors that have indiscernible words resulting in the words “wing bing station”
The conductor said “Next stop is wing bing station, indiscernible, wing bing zing station
The main R&B and Soul station of any city
I was listening to Tony! Toni! Toné! yesterday on the black station.
A place to get gas (not farts) or a friend of your enemy
“I’m outta gas let’s go to the gas station”
“Uh oh the gas station is over there”
To use a space, usually a bathroom in such a way as to evoke the most unpleasant yet common uses of a public restroom, particularly one in a gas-station. To leave traces of urine, feces, discarded press-on nails, feminine products, prophylactics or other human effluence and trash improperly and unsanitarily disposed of in a shared public space which should be clean for everyone's safety and comfort.
"Don't use the front bathroom, somebody decided to gas-station it." "Dude gas-station -ed his ex-wife's bathroom and tried to get the babysitter to clean it for no additional money, what a jerk." "You may use my bathroom, but don't you dare gas-station it!