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someone who watches you 24/7

theres a stalker out my window! >:(

by OIOIOIBAKAA February 27, 2025


Stalkers are the most dangerous and rarest creatures, but what actually is a Stalker? A stalker is a 2nd stage infected zombie,at that time (1 month) the fungus is starting to spread over the whole body. But even if they are just a stage 2 zombie, they are still the most dangerous zombies from all 4 (runners,stalkers,clickers and bloaters). They run like a runner and hit like a clicker so watch out. The best thing you can do is find a corner, grab a bottle, throw it and use a beautiful Molotov cocktail as soon as the spider crawling like smart asses come. Oh shit I forgot something, stalkers are smart, they can hide from ya and make the fucking loudest noises, so watch out if clickers are around.basically they are called stalkers because they stalk, simple answer. Be safe out there and remember to have shivs and cocktails in your pocket.

Oh fuck the stalkers are here again, those fucking smart asses”

by Mrzombiesurvivor March 18, 2023


Stalker (n): formal term of a Jihad

Hey do you know Jihad?
Oh you mean Stalker?
Yeah bro

by Manabananaaaa November 16, 2019



Makayla is a stalker

by Seadrake40 May 13, 2019


To have someone that is overly obsessed with you and very crazy about you and follows you around and wants to know everything about you

Bella-Omg look it’s Jazz let’s go follow him
Maya-JAZZZ HIIIIIIIIIIII we want to be your stalkers

by MayaandChristian December 11, 2019


A mind.in.a.box song that supposedly transforms anyone who listens into Agent Smith.
The song is about a woman who slowly finds herself being transformed into a member of a Hivemind, many believing this also changes her into a man, hence the song’s connection to Agent Smith.

Last night I went to a sci fi themed club and they started playing Stalkers and I started tweaking

by Bambianca January 4, 2024


A person who finds every piece of evidence on someone. Usually someone they are obsessed with and want to find every single thing on the person. Even going through one’s mother’s Facebook to find embarrassing pictures to hold against them. They will pull up pictures you never have seen before.

Gabby is a stalker she followed my mom on Facebook and found pictures of people because she is obsessed and wants to be like me.

by Emswagmaster2000 December 23, 2023