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Children means those tiny little devils that run around causing havoc.

"Damn it, Laura! I didn't know that we're gonna have so many children!"

by ash da legend October 6, 2023



Children r saggy!

by TrumpTheKiđkissingSexoffenđer. December 20, 2020


Children are a pain

I don’t want children because they suck

by AnayahCHILEEE May 1, 2022


Nose-picking, booger-eating, germ-spreading, defiant little farts who cry for no frickin reason at all. (A.K.A. smaller humans).

bob: y is them children screamin all the time!!!

by Clill Binton October 18, 2019


little pieces of shit who are somehow always sticky and who throw hissy fits over the tiniest inconvenience

awh when are you gonna have children??”
“NEVER fml i despise them”

by mooimaria November 21, 2021


Small hell spawns that spit, cough, and yell when you don't get them the orange juice they want for their lunch, that's why they mostly end up at an orphanage.

"I'm going to send them to an orphanage if the children keep breathing."
"I think you have problems."

by M0th3r's-M0nt3r March 7, 2022


Unholy demons that are 3-11 year's old

Mom: oh and meet my children, Sarah, Connor, and James

Person : oh nice to meet you cursed offsprings from hell

by slushy March 23, 2022