Source Code

Two weeks

The amount of time we thought the quairteen would last but no, people are not paitent

I wish it was all just Two weeks

by 2020 in a real nutshell March 23, 2021

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Two-spirit is a gender identity. If someone is two-spirited, their body simultaneously houses both a masculine spirit and a feminine spirit. This idea originated with Native Americans, and can also mean that they fulfill both gender roles.

Charlie is two-spirited, it's so hard to keep up with!

by thewhiterabbit13 December 27, 2011

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Two a days

The type of haircut sported by many players in the MTV show "Two a Days". Also very popular among southern males in general. To get a Two a days, one has to grow out their hair out front and flip it to the side while the sides and back are cut shorter.

Alex, on the Hoover High Bucs, has the Two a days. No, that doesn't refer to his football practice, it refers to his haircut.

Michael Clifton has that two-a-days.

by Hoover High February 12, 2010

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two down

An expression of disapproval or disbelief of a bullshit story. Usually accompanied by a two thumbs down motion.

J: Dude. Slayer just called and asked if I would play keyboard on their next record.

Metal Guy: Two down, dude. Two f#$@%^& down

by somestupidkid August 15, 2005

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Two Gallants

An indie/delta-blues/folk duo from San Fransisco named after a story by James Joyce. Adam Stevens (bass, melody, harmony on guitar simultaneously) and Tyson Vogel (drums) incorporate blues style finger picking and melodic drumming in their songs about murder, theft, the old west, and Antebellum (pre-war) South. The songs are beautifully written and the lyrics are like poetry.

I saw Two Gallants at the Grog Shop and had a blast despite the fact the show started later than it should have.

by bs9nonsense6 October 23, 2007

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two and a bit

A deliberately vague response given when asked a question concerning numbers in some way or form. In most cases, an exact figure is requested.

It can be used in many scenarios, such as time, distance and mathematics.

Q: What time is it?
A: Two and a bit.

Q: How far is it to the beach?
A: Two and a bit.

Boss: How many widgets did we sell at month-end?
Employee: Two and a bit.

by LardBoy November 11, 2005

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two smoke

primitive internal combustion engine, powered by tank of burning fossils. easily distinguishing by voluminous clouds of blue smoke. Favourite bike choice of sooky floundering bench racers complaining of fouled spark plugs and cracked reed valves, whilst prophecising the ease of the 12 "simple & inexpensive" rebuilds per annum. get an effie and learn to ride!!!

completely blinded by unwaivering devotion to neanderthal technology 'kx250' could not see that his two smoke clanger is a piece of junk

by fingalhead August 17, 2006

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