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jimmy wack

a kid named james that uses someone else hand to jack themselves off Last name usually starts with S

Jimmy got a jimmy wack from meghan

by Walter manner May 29, 2012

wack hole

A cancerous phrase that gains traction for whatever reason. Usually seen through addictive dance moves and terrible rap lyrics. Wack holes suck even normies into their wack ways.

I can’t stop singing “I’m so lit right now”. It’s a wack hole.

by brickcheddar April 3, 2018


when yo' junk gets wacked while your cuddling with your girlfriend. The man's favorite version of cuddling.

Dude last night I got some serious cuddly-wack!

by wackdaddyD69 February 6, 2010

meat wacking

One who admires jerking off their rather small penis.

Goose lip Mel loves meat wacking with hot massage oil.

by Money Green April 28, 2016

jack wack

A stupid asshole who likes to stand on trucks then put it on a billboard

Tell that jack wack to get off the truck *Gordon McKernan*

by The funny maker😂 April 5, 2018

Daz Wacked

To get “daz wacked” Is to get absolutely mortal on frosty jacks, marijuana, MDMA and Mkat and try to feel up anyone in site.
Then proceed to let anyone in your house and have a massive drug fuelled sesh.

“I got absolutely Daz Wacked last night!”

by BigPdogondascene April 20, 2018

Wack & Jack

Wack & Jack (also sometimes spelled Wac & Jack) is just another phrase that simply means masturbation.

When I'm horny I like to wack & jack.

by Bill Beef February 17, 2025