Investors that provide companies financial support but aren't involved in day-to-day operations and don't participate in management tasks. As a result, they can potentially lose their entire investment—but typically no more.
He has set up two profitable businesses although he is now a silent partner in one of them.
When you sneakily jack off beside your significant other, and finish on them. Without them knowing.
Last night my girl wanted to watch a movie instead of sex, so I just did a silent wobby while I was "getting a snack".
silent d fly,usaly a other name given to a very good player on a mmorpg.thease are NOT geeks or nerds.
silent d fly means a very good player on computer games
The alphabet label you use when your just a soul and not born yet, pre born language
i used silent alphabet when i wasn’t born but was a mere infinite awareness soul
A fart that is let off silently and has a deadly stink
Awww!!! Who farted!!! It’s a silent stinker
** and tommy is seen smiling in the corner **
A daddy or cute guy, would bang them big penis would suck love them.
Hey silent shyph you cute
opposite of an oxford comma; an invisible comma
I can't believe I got marked off a point for this silent comma!