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Silent partner

Investors that provide companies financial support but aren't involved in day-to-day operations and don't participate in management tasks. As a result, they can potentially lose their entire investment—but typically no more.

He has set up two profitable businesses although he is now a silent partner in one of them.

by @marie1737 April 6, 2024

silent wobby

When you sneakily jack off beside your significant other, and finish on them. Without them knowing.

Last night my girl wanted to watch a movie instead of sex, so I just did a silent wobby while I was "getting a snack".

by XPumpkinKingx January 27, 2021

silent d fly

silent d fly,usaly a other name given to a very good player on a mmorpg.thease are NOT geeks or nerds.

silent d fly means a very good player on computer games

by th3 w01f April 8, 2006

Silent Alphabet

The alphabet label you use when your just a soul and not born yet, pre born language

i used silent alphabet when i wasn’t born but was a mere infinite awareness soul

by Theemperor September 12, 2021

silent stinker

A fart that is let off silently and has a deadly stink

Awww!!! Who farted!!! It’s a silent stinker

** and tommy is seen smiling in the corner **

by CL3rsz April 8, 2018

Silent Shyph

A daddy or cute guy, would bang them big penis would suck love them.

Hey silent shyph you cute

by Met is fesh May 2, 2022

silent comma

opposite of an oxford comma; an invisible comma

I can't believe I got marked off a point for this silent comma!

by linguisticautistic.com June 16, 2017