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Vagina thumb

Type of wound on your finger that ends up looking like a vagina.

I got vagina thumb when I cut myself with the corkscrew.

by Sillymonkey129 July 2, 2017

Wiggle Thumbs

When you get so drunk your thumbs move more than you intended them to.

Joe got so drunk when he texted his uber he had Wiggle Thumbs.

by xd_Jayy73 March 21, 2020

Wiggle Thumbs

When you get so drunk your thumbs move more than you intended to.

When Joe texted his uber the address he had Wiggle Thumbs bad.

by xd_Jayy73 March 21, 2020

Thumb bucket

Used when referencing a booty hole; derived from the act of inserting your thumb in someone’s ass while doing it from behind.

That shella had a thumb bucket big enough for two baby! Almost had me nose diving!

by BraveheartX January 21, 2021

Silicone Thumb

That person who always knows what's wrong with your computer as you watched too much porn/are a sucker for pop-ups. Seemingly solves any issue with ease.

hey my computers fixed now thanks to luke, he's got such a silicone thumb.

by ldf13 July 4, 2011

Thumb pluck

The act of sticking your thumb In your partners ass then pulling ass really fast so shit comes out

Omg,Britney Chad Thumb plucked me last night and honestly I think I like it.

by Brad Nips April 14, 2022

Thumb Pirate

A web forum participant, usually using a blog, news website, or social networking platform, who contributes solely, usually without merit, basis in fact or any discretion therein, to harvest as many "thumbs-up" (or Like) responses as possible from other forum users.

The polar opposite of a Troll.

Steve: "I got 944 thumbs on Yahoo! News today!"
George: "Wow! What story?!"
Steve: "School shooting..."
George: "What was the comment?"
Steve: "'Kids today, omg, really!?!'"
George: "Nice...you're a master thumb pirate."
Steve: "Arrrrrr, where me thumbs?!?!"

by aaronpeterson February 28, 2012