Marijuana you grow for personal use instead of for profit. Grown "as a hobby".
Got anything good at your place?
Well, guess I got that hobby weed.
Shit, that's all you had to say!
Someone that LOVES to smoke marijuana so much that when they smell the slightest scent of weed, their eyes light up and instantly want a toke of that shizz.
Trevor: " Eyyyy mon! Weed Hawk!, Caaaaaww! Caaaaaww! (flaps arms, imitating a Hawk)
the general act of placing rose petals and your selection of bud in the bongwater.
Hey baby lets smoke this Sex-weed!
A low strain of weed for relaxing And calm feel and gets you very tired
The whole month of November you cannot do anything that involves weed for the whole month
jimmy: why are you smoking weed on no weed November
A weed Angel is someone who obtaines marijuana for personal use with good intentions of sharing it with others who are less fortunate and cannot afford or could not obtain marijuana for their medical needs. You can always find a weed Angel blazing a bowl or puffing a joint or blunt they're always eager to share and do not care what your background race Creed religion or beliefs are.
Wow I was really worried about how I was going to make it through the day and then they're out of nowhere a weed Angel appeared and made things all better.
A magical ingredient often used in potions by witches and can also be put in blood for Vampires to drink, which makes the blood nice and spicy. Burba Weed has been mentioned by Spike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He has also been seen adding the Burba Weed in his glass of blood.
Buffy: What are you doing, lurking down here?
Spike: I came through the tunnels. Runnin low on Burba Weed. (Holds up some Burba Weed.)
(Buffy looks at Spike confused)
Spike: Stir it in with the blood, makes it all hot and Spicy.