This is the effect when you realize that a girl you love so much and are ready to do anything for is so dumb that whatever feeling you have vanishes.
Jazzy (To a friend): I love annie so much that I would kill the president if I have to, to be with her.
Annie: Jazzy, how do I turn on this calculator?
Jazzy: never mind. Our president is a hero. He has a lot to do for mankind?
Friend: Haha. DUMB-BELLED!
If you know a Gracie Belle, you know that she is Very fun and crazy! (And is a “Da Grill”) Is the best friend everrrr.
Friend: I’m bored
Gracie Belle: Let’s prank call!
Like Claude Monet's painting...from afar a Monet Belle looks beautiful, but simple. However, once up close.. you see the multiple layers, colours and inspiration that are built up from within. Monet Belle's often enjoy the ocean, books, films, and company of fairies. Like Claude Monet in painting, Monet Belle's are often quite indecisive.. and have a tendency to be flighty and wishy-washy. This is confusing for those who have not taken the time to fully observe the colours and layers. Monet Belle's live by one rule, All you need is love.
Upon first glance at that Monet Belle I was taken back, but unsure. Now, I am even more unsure.
A man that loves women that are named jackie and loves his dog and also loves to fuck jewish people
Jim bell is a fella that loves Jews
A girl who is very good at drawing and sometimes gets really stressed over things people do for example 'you have a sister and she cut her doll's hair before but the doll is supposed to do it’s hair and a few years later she cuts the doll's hair again but way too short and then says I don't like how I cut it' so I know that’s very specific but still
See that girl over there her name is probably Anna-Belle
Something so absolutely solid there seems to be no way at all of breaking it.
I was trying to break the concrete up but it had set like Bell Metal.