Source Code

curry mother fucker

when sir/ madam would desire a curry

welcome to rajas, you want curry mother fucker. delivery 5 pound.

by ricardoooo April 16, 2008

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Steph curry fans

Steph curry fans are really chill but if you make fun of curry then they’ll have a nonstop argument with you. They only watch warriors and rarely watch any other team. Although most of them are chill.

Look at all those Steph curry fans!

by Nbawaifu June 7, 2020

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Double Curry Sauce

When you get hot on a basketball court that you start to make every shot in front of two defenders

Double Curry Sauce

by WillFree September 3, 2010

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Steph Curry Syndrome

A disease where you're literally on fire, no matter what. When you shoot your shot, it will go in no matter what.

1#: See that dude over there he just pulled up and sunk that three.
2#: That dude is diagnosed with Steph Curry Syndrome.

by itsyaboi2323 March 8, 2021

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No Worries Have Curries

"No Worries Have Curries" is an initiative to make Indian and other international students comfortable with Australian lifestyle, and also a way to express how much Australians love Indian "curries" .

It represents a feeling of friendliness, good humour, optimism and "mateship" - that's what Australia is like..

Jack: Hey man, thanks for helping me out with this project..

Raman: No worries have curries ..

by RamanV May 21, 2011

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Curry munching scammer

I am a curry muncher

Also a scammer

I am a curry munching scammer

by Disuxjchzh June 26, 2022

rum and curry fart

Probably the most disgusting and toxic type of fart that the human body can produce. Occurs the morning after a heavy rum and curry night.

I just passed a rum and curry fart, and stank out my workplace.

by RTM 1963 January 9, 2018